2016 World Forum for Media Development to Hold in Jakarta


The Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) will hold its fourth international conference, the 2016 World Forum for Media Development in Jakarta, Indonesia from September 20 to 22, 2016.

The Conference is tagged “Decoding the Future: Rethinking Media for a New World” and will be organized in partnership with the Indonesian Press Council at Multimedia Nusantara University in Tangerang.

The 2016 World Forum for Media Development is the multi-annual, long-awaited gathering of media professionals and assistance groups which provides an opportunity to network, build partnerships and discover the latest trends in media development. Participants at the Conference are expected to share best practices, new technologies, practical research, and help each other find solutions for challenges facing the sector as well as explore ideas that will sustainably enhance news coverage, access to information and protection of journalists.

In the midst of the global debate on countering the narrative of radical groups, the role of media in promoting development and free access to information, the World Forum is timelier than ever. The news industry is transforming rapidly as digital technology redefines the field.

Organisations that help promote independent media are experiencing changes that offer exciting opportunities for professional media and citizen journalists to expand and deepen coverage alongside calling for new strategies and approaches for sustainability. This is all taking place at a time when working as a journalist has never been more dangerous and when independent media are engaged in a battle for survival with state-run players, large-scale media conglomerates and social media platforms.

2016 wfmd

Jakarta is an ideal place to discuss the new trends. It is a city that symbolises successful democratic transition and is in fact the capital of one of the world’s largest democracies that has embraced technological change and adopted social media to promote civic and political participation. It is at the crossroads of many religions and civilisations, and a dynamic economic hub for enterprises of all sizes and sectors.

The outlined themes of the Conference are:

  • Asia: A who’s who in the Asian media landscape, the top players, the local values and the new business models;
  • Extremism: The ways and means to address radical narratives through quality journalism, ethics and commitment to human rights and free speech;
  • Media and business: Understanding who owns the media and how to ensure sustainability of quality journalism;
  • Audience: A look into today’s media consumers, their habits, expectations and aspirations;
  • Technology: Discovering the latest trends and how to make sense of what new technological advances mean for tomorrow’s journalism

The World Forum will also focus on access to information, recently established as one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and on the importance of coordination for media development to create synergies facing the most pressing challenges.