Fifth Global Congress on Intellectual Property Holds Washington DC

Camille A. Nelson, Dean, American University Washington College of Law (AUWCL)
Camille A. Nelson, Dean, American University Washington College of Law (AUWCL)

Global Congress will convene a global network of over 800 researchers, activists, and practitioners who work on the intersection of intellectual property, information technology and promotion of the public interest in the week of September 24, 2018 in Washington DC, USA.

The fifth edition of Global Congress on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest will be co-hosted by The American University Washington College of Law (AUWCL) Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property (PIJIP) with the core goal to promote evidence-based policy-making by fostering partnerships between academics and policy advocates from around the world.

The Congress has therefore called for presentations, papers, seminars, or panel ideas for the Internet and Trade Track. Individuals interested in submitting a proposal are encouraged to do so via The due date for submission of proposals is June 5, 2018

The six days Congress will begin with focused capacity building workshops for global activists and building up to a large public international conference with plenary sessions which will be webcast to the world.

Public Citizen will co-chair a track on Internet and Trade which will focus on digital trade provisions in trade agreements and their impact on digital rights and freedoms.  It will bring together Internet and trade communities for a dialogue, capacity building, peer-learning and collaboration.

There are limited funds to support travel assistance to the Global Congress, some of which are earmarked for this track. In an effort to support the broadest possible participation, the organisers are asking that home institutions support part or all of the cost of attendance if possible.

Institutions which can cover the full cost of the attendance of their staff will be happily listed as sponsors of the Congress. Those who need travel support to attend the Congress are encouraged to fill out the application form at: Global Congress Scholarship Application

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