Data4CHANGE Invites Applications from CSOs, NGOs for its 2019 Event


ammanDATA4CHANGE, in partnership with Code for Africa,  is calling for applications for its 2019 event which will be held at Nairobi Garage, in the Kenyan capital from May 30 to June 3, 2019

The DATA4CHANGE flagship event is a five-day residential workshop with full immersion into the inner workings of a data visualisation studio. CSOs and NGOs working on some of the world’s most pressing social and political problems are matched with carefully selected teams of industry experts covering the disciplines of data analysis, journalism, graphic design, and web development.

At the end of the event, each team has a proof of concept or fully rendered prototype for a data-driven advocacy campaign, and the wealth of immeasurable experience that comes along with spending five days together with a diverse and uniquely talented group of individuals.

The data obtained will be used for storytelling, changing hearts and minds, as well as used in making long-lasting memories and life-changing friendships.

The 2019 event will take a different approach as calls for applications will be opened to civil society organisations (CSOs) and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) first.

Since 2014, more than 200 people from over 40 countries have attended the DATA4CHANGE events in London, Beirut and Kampala respectively.

It’s also the first time that organisers will be hosting a thematic DATA4CHANGE. All of this year’s projects will be about digital rights, internet freedom and/or freedom of expression online.

DATA4CHANGE is a proud member and implementing partner of UPROAR, a coalition of organisations working to raise the profile of digital rights in 21 countries. DATA4CHANGE Nairobi 2019 will support the work of UPROAR.

Individuals that work for CSOs or NGOs covering any of these issues in at least one of the countries listed below are eligible to apply. Their work may cover other countries as well but must include at least one of the target countries.

For East Africa, countries where CSOs and NGOS are eligible are: Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda; for Southern Africa: Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Zimbabwe; for West Africa: Gambia, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone; and for Middle East and Central Asia: Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, and Sudan.

Successful applicants will be selected through a competitive process that begins with the call for applications, four CSOs or NGOs working on themes relating to digital rights and internet freedom will be selected to participate in D4C Nairobi.

Suggested thematic areas include, but are no means limited to: Censorship, shutdowns, obstacles to free access; Innovation, free and open source software; Privacy, surveillance, encryption; Legislation and policy concerning the internet, press freedom, privacy, access ; Governance of the internet, net neutrality; and Protection and realisation of human rights online.

Interested persons should please feel free to apply their organisations have important stories to tell about any of these issues in the target countries listed above.

Applicants looking to join as creatives are to check back early in 2019 or keep an eye on the organiser’s social media feeds to be the first to find out when the next round of applications opens.

Applications close by 5 pm GMT on January 31, 2019.

Please visit here to apply for the event.