IWMF Accepting Applications for Anja Niedringhaus Courage in Photojournalism Award

Linda Douglass, Co-Chair, IWMF
Linda Douglass, Co-Chair, IWMF

The International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) has opened entries for the Anja Niedringhaus Courage in Photojournalism Award, which recognizes women photojournalists who show a commitment to shining a light on important stories around the world through brave and compelling work.

The Anja Niedringhaus Courage in Photojournalism Award was created to honour the life and work of Pulitzer Prize-winning AP photographer and the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) Courage in Journalism Award winner Anja Niedringhaus (1965-2014).

With this Award, the IWMF celebrates the courageous work of women photojournalists like Anja. The Award recognizes the importance of visual journalistic work that inspires us to take action and compels us to better understand the world.

Created in 2014 with a $1 million gift from the Howard G. Buffett Foundation, the Award will be given annually to a woman photojournalist whose work reflects courage and dedication, as Anja’s does. The Award winner will be publicly honoured, have her work showcased, and receive a cash prize of $20,000.

Anja Niedringhaus is the first Courage in Journalism Award winner from Germany.

Applicants for the Anja Niedringhaus Courage in Photojournalism Award must be women who work full-time as journalists with journalism as her primary vocation. It is open to both freelance journalists and those affiliated with media organizations.

Application for the Award must be accompanied with applicant’s information, work samples, and nomination statement that does not exceed 2 pages and work samples of 12 photographs that best represent the scope and style of the applicant’s work, within the context of challenging reporting environments.

Each photograph which must be accompanied by a caption describing the date, place, and situation captured must not be manipulated post-production and must depict accurately the scenes and events captured. Photo collages and illustrations will not be accepted.

Six of the photos must have been taken within the past two years (2017-2019) while the other six can have been taken at any time during the applicant’s career.

The applicant’s nomination statement must answer the following questions:

  • What stories does the candidate tell through her photos?
  • Under what conditions does the candidate work?
  • How do the photographs submitted with this nomination capture the scope of the candidate’s work?
  • How do the candidate’s career and work reflect the values of Anja Niedringhaus?

Candidate statements should be written in English, French, or Spanish.

 Nominations should be submitted by March 15, 2019

The 2019 applications are available in EnglishFrench, and Spanish. More information about applications for the award are also available at https://www.iwmf.org/awards/anja-niedringhaus-courage-in-photojournalism-award/