GEN Calls for Applications for Data Journalism Awards 2019

Peter Bale, President, Global Editors Network
Peter Bale, President, Global Editors Network

The Global Editors Network (GEN) is calling for applications from interested persons for the Data Journalism awards which celebrate the best in data-driven investigations, stories, websites, visualizations, news applications and projects that shed light on topics of public interest.

The Data Journalism Awards are the first international awards recognising outstanding work in the field of data journalism worldwide.

Simon Rogers, Data Editor at Google News Lab, is the director of the competition which takes place under the presidency of Reginald Chua, Executive Editor, Editorial Operations, Data and Innovation at Thomson Reuters. Marianne Bouchart, founder and director of HEI-DA, is the manager of the competition.

This year’s prize will include an all-expenses-covered trip to Athens, Greece, and the GEN Summit + Data Journalism Awards 2019 ceremony, taking place in June 2019.

The awards recognize individuals and teams that have done exceptional work in the field.

News organizations, media companies, individuals and freelance journalists are all eligible to enter the Data Journalism Awards. Works that are the result of a collaboration between news organisations may also be submitted, provided they serve a journalistic purpose.

However, work produced by journalists in partnership with government agencies, businesses or trade organisations with a stake – financial or otherwise – in the issue at hand are not eligible. Similarly, business data visualisations or projects produced for branding purposes are not eligible.

The Data Journalism Awards administrators have the final authority to determine whether an entry is eligible or not.

The finalists shortlisted for awards will be announced in May 2019, and the winning projects will be announced at the 2019 ceremony and gala dinner during the GEN Summit 2019.

All submission forms must be filled in English. Entries in languages other than English can be accepted provided that they are accompanied by thorough explanations of the work in English and a translation if possible.

Words included in graphics, databases and web applications must also be translated. Radio material must be transcribed in English and video material must contain English subtitles. If a work originally published in a language other than English passes the pre-jury selection stage, applicants may be asked to provide additional information and translations.

Entries may have been published on any other media platform: online, radio, audio, broadcast, print or a combination of platforms and may include a single piece of work or a series of works.  In some categories, there is a limit on the number of examples of work that can be entered.

Applicants can submit multiple entries, but only one entry per category.

The jury and pre-jury may decide to move entries from a category if they believe it is more suited to a different category.

To submit a project an applicant will have to first login to the Data Journalism Awards Community. For applicants who don’t have an account yet, they can register right here and once in, all an applicant have to do is click on “Apply” on the website’s menu bar, or follow this link which will take the aplicant to this year’s application form. The applicant is to fill that form, click on “Submit”, and he/she is done.

Entries to the 2019 competition are due by April 7, 2019 at 23:59 GMT. All work must have been published or aired between March 22018 and 7 April 2019.

For questions, please contact

The Data Journalism awards which started in 2012 is organised by the Global Editors Network, with support from the Google News Lab, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, and in partnership with Chartbeat and Microsoft.