Ocean Science Institution Accepting Journalism Fellowship Applications

Court Clayton, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Chief Development Officer
Court Clayton, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Chief Development Officer

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is accepting applications for its journalism fellowship programme designed to introduce science journalists to oceanography and ocean engineering through seminars, laboratory visits and field expeditions.

The 2019 fellowship will be held from October 14 to 18, 2019 in Woods Hole, Massachusetts and all fellows receive a travel allowance, room and board for one week.

Applicants should have at least two years of writing, producing or editing experience. Freelancers, book authors and writers from nontraditional media may apply but should be able to show a substantial portfolio of work. International journalists are encouraged to apply.

There are two means of applying:  applicants may mail their completed application forms and hard copies of required materials (postmarked no later than May 17, 2019) or apply online by filling out the online application form and uploading all of the required materials by the application deadline.

Whether applying online or via mail, all applications must include the following required materials: completed application form; current CV or résumé; one page letter stating why they want to attend this programme and what they hope to gain from it.

Applicants should also upload three samples of professional work, ideally completed within the past two years. Uploaded articles should be in PDF format or direct web links to specific work samples.

Applications close on May 17, 2019.

For more information and to apply, please visi: http://www.whoi.edu/page.do?pid=8887