Submerging Writer Fellowship Awards Open to Writers

Tyler Barton, Co-Founder, Fear No Lit
Tyler Barton, Co-Founder, Fear No Lit

Fear No Lit is inviting writers who have had no luck breaking through in publishing to apply for the Submerging Writer Fellowship (SWF), which will offer one writer chapbook publication, prize money, and more.

The Award is dedicated to the writers who feel left behind, down on their luck, and far from emerging, as the SWF is meant to pull one submerging writer out of the water.

The SWF is for “writers who have the chops but lack the luck; who drown, who try, who try again; who try again so many times there might not be any tries left; who see writing as both a buoy and shark-bite—a boogie-board and an iceberg; who would love to meet & learn from the writers they admire but just can’t … afford it; who are sinking in the giant sea of the writing industry.”

The successful applicant will be offered a chapbook (limited print run of 125 copies, rights revert to author upon publication); event planning and marketing help for his/her book launch; one registration of his/her choice of a conference, workshop, class, retreat – up to $500; and $500 to spend however the winner chooses, with no strings attached.

To be eligible, applicant must be someone who has not yet had a book published; has won no major awards/prizes; is not currently in an MFA/PhD programme; and battles daily the barriers of luck, society, fate, a curse, the cosmos, some major setback, or all of the above.

Application closes on July 31, 2019. Interested applicants should go to to apply.