EU Data Protection Officers Handbook Released


download (1)A European Union (EU) Data Protection Officers Handbook prepared as part of the training materials for the EU‐funded “T4DATA” training‐of-trainers programme, aimed at training staff in a number of EU Member States’ data protection authorities (DPAs) in training of data protection officers (DPOs), has been released.

Written by Douwe Korff and Marie Georges, the handbook was prepared and is being used in the EU‐funded “T4DATA” training‐of-trainers programme especially for DPOs in the public sector, in their new duties under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 2016/679, GDPR).

Although produced specifically for the T4DATA programme, the handbook was produced to be useful to anyone else who might be interested in the application of the Regulation, and in particular other DPOs (in the public‐ or private sector) and it is made publicly available under a “Creative Commons” (CC) license.

The 245-page handbook is a hands‐on manual divided into three parts.

Part One of the handbook introduces the concepts of “confidentiality”, “privacy” and “data protection” as well as the first data protection laws, principles and international instruments (in particular the 1981 Council of Europe Data Protection Convention). It also discusses the EU “First Pillar” data protection directives of the 1990s and early‐2000s, while introducing the recently adopted and pending data protection instruments for the future (the GDPR, the proposed e‐Privacy Regulation, and the “Modernised” Council of Europe Convention).

Part Two provides an overview of all the key elements of the General Data Protection Regulation; focuses on the additional, new core “accountability” principle and the concept and rules in the GDPR relating to the Data Protection Officer.

Part Three provides practical guidance on how DPOs in the public sector can and should fulfill their numerous tasks, with real‐life examples, relating in particular to the three focus areas: education, finance and health care, and exercises.

The project was carried out under the wing of the Italian data protection authority, the Garante per la protezionedeidatipersonali and administered by the Fondazione Basso, with the help of two experts, Mrs. Marie Georges and Prof. Douwe Korff, from the Fundamental Rights Experts Europe (FREE) Group.

To download the EU Data Protection Officers Handbook, please click HERE.