Call for Applications for Africa-China Reporting Grants,  Workshop 

Dr.Yu-Shan Wu, Researcher.Africa China Reporting Project
Dr. Yu-Shan Wu, Researcher. Africa China Reporting Project

The Africa-China Reporting Project (ACRP) at Wits Journalism programme at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, with support from Omidyar Network, are inviting journalists to submit proposals for reporting grants and workshop participation to investigate issues related to digital identification, data privacy, and technology in Africa

The ACRP will provide reporting grants of up to US$1,000 to successful applicants, who will also participate in a Digital Identity Training Workshop and the Civic Tech Innovation Forum in Johannesburg during the week of October 28, 2019.

Applications are open to journalists who present Africa-focused proposals though applicants need not necessarily have previous reporting experience in this area.

Applications should be sent by email to or, as a secondary option no later than September 20, 2019, and should contain the following documents in MS Word or PDF formats: applicant’s CV; brief proposal outlining (a) story to be investigated with clear headline, story relevance and significance, (b) investigation methodology, (c) proposed publication/platform, and (d) itemised budget totaling no more than US$1,000; list of previously published reporting; and applicant’s assessment of the risks of the project.

Preference will be given to proposals with a relatively narrow focus around specific projects or issues. Applicants are encouraged to avoid ambitious and broad attempts to analyse the overall effect of Chinese engagement. Where possible, journalists should identify individuals or communities through which they will tell the story. While desk research is important, organisers encourage journalists to look for on-the-ground impact and perspectives.

The grants, generally between $300 and $1,500, are intended to provide funding for travel, accommodation and sundry daily expenses, but not car hire, purchase of equipment or professional fees, or to buy publication space.

Grant recipients will be paid 80% of the grant total at the outset, and the remaining 20% when (and if) the feature is published on a news media platform/publication (blog publication will not be sufficient).

Successful grant recipients will be required to sign an agreement that outlines the terms of the reporting project and agreed budget. The reporting project should be completed and published within three months of the receipt of the grant funding unless otherwise agreed.

It is the responsibility of journalists to ensure that the work is published and that acknowledgment is provided to the Wits Africa-China Reporting Project as provider of the grant.

Successful applicants will be expected to supply a copy of their passport and stamped banking details. On completion of the reporting project grant recipients will be required to supply electronic copies of all material produced as a result of the grant.

Wits Journalism will accept no responsibility for the work produced or the conduct of the grantee, but retains the right to use any material published as a result of a grant for publicity and promotional purposes although it will at all times provide due accreditation to the journalist and the Wits Africa-China Reporting Project reserves the right to review and edit copy before it goes to print.

For more information, click: any queries please contact the Project team at