Applications Invited for 8th Annual New York Portfolio Review

Dean Baquet, Executive Editor, The New York Times
Dean Baquet, Executive Editor, The New York Times

Applications are invited from photographers from all over the world for the eighth edition of the annual New York Portfolio Review. It is open to anyone over 18 years old, and all types of photography will be considered.

Produced by The New York Times photo department, the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at the City University of New York and United Photo Industries, the event will bring together 110 talented photographers, 75 top photo editors, publishers, curators, gallery owners and video producers, for the 8th annual New York Portfolio Review on March 27, 28 and 29 in New York City.

Judges will screen all applicants and choose 110 who will all attend all three-day event. This year there will be travel grants to assist between 15 and 20 participants to attend the review. This is made possible by the generosity of Prince Claus Fund, Open Society Foundations, and The Chris Hondros Fund. Once participants are chosen those who wish to apply for financial assistance will have the opportunity to do so.

Photographers who attended the 2019 review and those who have already attended the review twice are not eligible to apply. Those who attended once in previous years can apply for this year’s review, but they must submit new work.

To apply, interested photographers should send no more than 20 photos from one or two projects, using the form specified. The files should be JPEGS, 1,200 pixels across and 72 D.P.I. Successful applicants will be informed by December 18, 2019. Applicants are encouraged to be sure to triple-check the email address they submit.

Selected photographers will submit their top choices for reviewers of their work. Participants will be matched with as many of the reviewers as possible.

To apply, please fill the form online at Deadline for submission of entries is November 19, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. For enquiries, please send email to