Call for Entries for 2020 Science Journalism Awards

Sudip Parikh, PhD, AAAS
Sudip Parikh, PhD, AAAS

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and The Kavli Foundation are accepting entries from journalists worldwide for the 2020 AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards, which recognizes outstanding reporting for a general audience and honours individuals for coverage of the sciences, engineering and mathematics.

The awards are for the following categories:

  • Science Reporting – Large Outlet: Text pieces in print or online from large newspapers with a circulation of more than 150,000 (largest single day, including digital subscriptions) and digital-only publications with a regional or national audience.
  • Science Reporting – Small Outlet: Text pieces in print or online from small newspapers with a circulation of 150,000 or less (largest single day, including digital subscriptions) and digital-only publications with a local audience.
  • Science Reporting – In-Depth: An entry of more than 5,000 words for a newspaper, magazine or online site. Entry can be a single story; submission of two or three related or unrelated pieces as a single entry of more than 5,000 words.
  • Magazine: Stories in print magazines, on magazine websites or in digital-only magazines. 5,000 words or less.

Entrants may submit a maximum of three entries across one or more categories but cannot enter the same story or stories in two different categories, nor enter a story both as an individual entry and as part of a group of stories.

Entries submitted published or broadcast in a language other than English must be accompanied with an English translation.

Entries are accepted for Print/Online Categories,Print/Online Categories, Audio Category, Video Categories Children’s Science News Category.

For entries to be eligible, it must have been published, broadcast or posted online between July 16, 2019 and July 15, 2020.

There will be two awards for each category, a Gold award worth US$5,000 and a Silver award worth US$3,500. One winner for each award in each category will also receive travel expenses to attend an awards ceremony in February 2021 at the AAAS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona.

Submission of applications closes on August 1, 2020 at midnight, U.S. Pacific time.

For further information and to apply, please visit: