ACSPN Invites Contribution of Chapters for Publication on Artificial Intelligence and Media


acspn_Logo-2The Association of Communication Scholars and Professionals of Nigeria (ACSPN) is inviting authors to submit novel, high-quality, theoretical or professional works on artificial intelligence (AI) and the media, stressing that such materials should neither have appeared nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Read more…

The publication is planned one of the key announcements made during ACSPN’s 7th Annual and 1st Virtual Conference which proposed publication of a book on Knowledge Societies: Artificial Intelligence and the Media.

Chapter submissions are to cover topics that include, but not limited to:

  • AI, communication and information
  • AI, communication, information, and Governance
  • AI, communication, information, and Economy
  • AI, communication, information, and Health/wellbeing
  • AI and Journalism
  • AI and Digital Communication
  • AI and Media Management
  • AI and National Security
  • AI, communication, information, and Gender
  • AI, Fake news, and Hate Speech
  • AI, Misinformation and Disinformation
  • AI and Sustainable Development
  • AI, Media, and Information Literacy
  • AI, Media, and Creative Industries
  • AI and Culture
  • AI and Social Inclusion
  • Empowering Political Participation through Artificial Intelligence
  • Managing and Implementing AI Projects
  • AI, and the future of Politics
  • Responsible and Ethical Approaches to AI
  • Policy, Regulations, and standards for AI technologies
  • Smart services, Smart infrastructure, Internet of Things
  • AI, Security, and Privacy

Interested authors should submit full Chapter, including an Abstract – with the full name/s of author/s, position, institutional/organizational affiliation, and email and phone numbers to using “AI Chapter” as the subject of the mail.

October 30, 2020, is submission due date while notification of final acceptance will come on April 30, 2021, and the publication on July 30, 2021.

The proposed publication is the product of the continuing collaboration between ACSPN and UNESCO and fully funded by UNESCO.

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