Applications Open for Sir Harry Evans Global Fellowship in Investigative Journalism

Sir Harry Evans

Applications are invited from early career journalists with professional experience for the Sir Harry Evans Global Fellowship in Investigative Journalism 2022. The fellowship provides the opportunity for early career journalists to develop their ideas and collaborations in a thriving community of journalists and researchers

The Fellowship provides an unrivalled opportunity for an exceptional early career journalist: a six to nine-month Fellowship with Durham University which will include undertaking an investigative project from inside the Reuters newsroom in London, mentored by top Reuters editors in the field while being overseen by Durham University and having access to university academics and research resources.

Interested journalists are invited to download the Sir Harry Evans Global Fellowship Application form (.docx) and within this form, complete the following:  a short statement (up to 500 words) of the applicant telling the Fellowship Committee about him/herself; what he/she hopes to achieve with this opportunity; and how his/her vision of journalism fits with the spirit of the Fellowship.   

Applicants are also required to provide a detailed proposal (up to 800 words) for an investigative project they would like to execute during the Fellowship. Multimedia journalism is encouraged, and the proposal can include a small amount of relevant visual material, such as graphics, photos or a video clip. The proposal should tell the Fellowship Committee clearly what the story is about; what is original about it, including what the new findings would be; why the story is important; what impact it might have; how they would report it; and how they would tell it. This proposal will be an important part of the Fellowship Committee’s evaluation, though Reuters editors may opt to assign the successful fellow another project.

In addition to the application form, applicants are also required to provide the following:  demonstration of published examples of work (up to five examples), as links to published work or as attachments to the email; a letter of recommendation from an editor who has worked closely with applicants, assessing their abilities and potential as an investigative journalist. 

After completing the form, applicants are to save it in this file format: First Name-Surname-SHEF-Fellowship. The completed form and attachments are to be emailed to no later than midday on August 15, 2022 BST.

The Fellowship commands a monthly salary of c.£4,444 per month for each month of the Fellowship (equivalent to a pro-rata salary of c.£53,333 per year), in addition to a maximum £1,250 per month living stipend, and a one-off payment of £1,800 for travel and expenses.

For further information, please visit: