Registration Opens for Virtual School on Internet Governance English Course


Registration has opened for the Virtual School on Internet Governance (VSIG) English course, a free multi-module Massive Open Online Courseware (MOOC) dedicated to the key pillars of Internet Governance

The goal of the course is to network with peers across the world. Those who complete the whole course and meet all the requirements will receive a Certificate of Completion. Weekly synchronous sessions for interactive conversations are part of the features of the VSIG.

The objectives of the course are to provide a clear educational roadmap for students on Internet Governance; to create a global accessible course that is free to all participants; aggregate the most comprehensive collection of IG resources; and create a repository of video recordings open to the public of leaders in Internet Governance.

The course starts on September 4, 2023 and the organisers will be contacting all the registered participants in August 2023.

The VSIG will be using Moodle which provides the framework including student registration, online forums, Big Blue Button chats, quizzes and a rich repository of instructional materials. 

The rich content of the VSIG focuses on the primary learning objectives as found in face-to-face schools of Internet Governance. Due to COVID-19 however, these schools were either halted or postponed. The programme’s intent is to reinforce the Internet Governance ecosystem with alternative options of learning. VSIGs’ online courseware provides an integrated catalogue from the novice to the advanced individuals interested to learn the basics of Internet Governance. It plays a significant role in providing a coherent baseline knowledge foundation to all students.

The educational roadmap is an approximately ten-week programme with ten modules:

  • History
  • Actors
  • Infrastructure
  • Development
  • Security
  • Legal
  • Economic
  • Social and Cultural Issues
  • Human Rights
  • Emergent Technologies

Applicants must commit to completing student application including their interest in taking the course; completion of student registration form and the Participant Guidebook; commitment to 4 to 6 hours per module; participate in module discussion thread and introduce oneself; agree to the digital code of conduct; attend weekly Live Chat sessions or view via Playlist; complete weekly Live Chat feedback; and complete mid-course and end-course survey.

In addition, they must commit to completing all modules; achieve 80% or greater on all quizzes; receive a certificate of completion; attend the confirmation/graduation session; and share suggestions of educational resources.

A number of benefits will accrue to those who complete the modules including free online course, certification of completion, gain understanding of the nuances of the  Internet Ecosystem, have greater appreciation of the concepts and terminologies of Internet Governance, be able to identify core subjects matter and thought leaders shaping the Internet, be able to download course materials, and certificate holders can join Alumni list.

Interested persons should visit for further information and to register.