Action Contre la Faim Calls for Applications for Grant for New Humanitarian Perspective

Dr. Charles Owubah, Chief Executive Officer, Action Contre la Faim

Action Contre la Faim (Action Against Hunger), a non-governmental organization that fights hunger, has announced a call for applications for the second edition of its multimedia Grants for a New Humanitarian Perspective.

The aim of the grant, according to the organisation, is to encourage reflection on the future of humanitarian imagery, in order to imagine its future development together and foster a new perspective that goes beyond the usual reproductions; that is fairer, more inclusive and more ethical; and that allows for a more balanced exchange with the people represented.

Expatiating on the grant, the group said by “humanitarian”, it means taking humans into account and supporting them to ensure access to the fundamental rights to which all individuals are entitled from birth; and by “a new humanitarian perspective” it means a more inclusive, equal, solidarity-oriented human perspective.

The grants would be available both for projects that are yet to be developed and those that are currently being developed.

The call for applications is open to all photographers, videographers, and content creators (illustration, design, animation, etc.), with no restrictions in terms of nationality or age (applicants must however be over 18).

Applications which should be duly completed in English, French or Spanish must detail the project, its aims and its future development as precisely as possible and must be submitted online via the dedicated Application Form between May 31, 2024, and August 31, 2024, at midnight.

Submitted projects will be assessed according to the following criteria:
• Innovation in how the proposal is written and the final project
• Multimedia approach in image capture and the final project
• Contribution to reflections on the role of images and on renewing our perspective
• Relevance of the project’s subject to the activities carried out by Action Against Hunger
• Alignment with Action Against Hunger’s values in terms of content that:
 Is inclusive
 Respects people’s dignity
 Bears witness to observed realities
• Quality and credibility of the candidate’s previous work

The form should contain the following:
• A synopsis of the overall project.
• A statement of intent that details the subject covered, explains how it is original and indicates its link with Action Against Hunger’s work.
• A precise description of the narrative procedures and technical resources envisaged for the project.
• This may be accompanied by numbered photographs if the project is already underway, by sketches or by any other medium the candidate deems of use to support their application.
• An estimate of production costs for the project (including travel, accommodation, visa, etc.).
• A candidate bio.
• A link to the candidate’s previous work and/or a link to download any previous work the candidate deems relevant enough to add to their application.

One winner will be selected and will receive a grant worth €10,000 as well as mentorship from the president of the jury to carry out his/her project, which will be displayed in an exhibition from October 2025.

For detailed information and to apply, please visit