Faktograf, IPI Launch New Tool to Empower Journalists Against Smear Campaigns

Tajana Broz,
Programme manager at Faktograf

Faktograf, a fact-checking media organization based in Croatia, and the Vienna-based International Press Institute (IPI) have launched a new resource designed to assist journalists, fact-checkers, and researchers in the fight against disinformation. The initiative titled “Guide to Decoding Disinformation” was developed after 18 months of intensive investigation into smear campaigns targeting media professionals. It offers a comprehensive framework to identify and combat tactics used to undermine factual reporting and erode public trust.

The online guide provides a step-by-step approach to unraveling the tactics, techniques, and procedures employed in disinformation campaigns. These campaigns are increasingly weaponized to stifle critical journalism and distort public perception of fact-based news. By empowering journalists with practical tools, the guide aims to safeguard the integrity of their reporting amid evolving disinformation threats.

Tajana Broz, programme manager at Faktograf, emphasized the guide’s relevance amidst advancing technologies. He said: “As new technologies emerge, the disinformation playbook used by bad actors still relies on common tactics and narratives. These guidelines aim to support journalists in finding the best ways to investigate them.”

Javier Luque, head of digital communications at IPI, underscored the guide’s adaptive nature. “These guidelines are not one-size-fits-all as disinformation keeps evolving with new technologies. However, this guide is a starting point to identify the main components of disinformation campaigns targeting journalists and their credibility,” he noted.

Key components of the guide include steps to analyze broader contexts, evaluate dissemination methods across platforms, identify influential actors perpetuating false narratives, and critically examine disinformation content. These steps are crucial for journalists striving to uphold journalistic standards amidst growing threats.

The Guide to Decoding Disinformation is accessible online and will be regularly updated to incorporate new research and technological advancements.