CEU Calls for Applications to its Internet Governance School


The Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Hungary, has called for applications to its summer school on Advanced Topics in Internet Governance, Civil Society and Policy Advocacy coming up from June 28 to July 4, 2015 in Hungary.

This intensive summer course is designed to help researchers, activists, policy makers and advocates gain new insights into the complex relationship between technology, free expression, and policy that lie at the heart of debates between global security and human rights. Throughout the course, participants will dig deeper into the role which civil society can play in advocating for a free and open internet, with special attention on the role of social media companies and internet intermediaries. Sessions will highlight the potential of technology and online tools for mobilizing and organizing constituencies in support of freedom of expression, an open internet, and for enhancing the security and privacy of digital communication. This 2015 course will focus on:  Internet law and policy; Freedom of expression and open internet advocacy strategies; Tools for digital security and privacy; Human rights and communication policy.
Past faculty have come from: Witness, Human Rights Watch, OSCE, Privacy International, Center for Democracy and Technology, OSF, Tactical Technology Collective, Global Voices Online, Center for Internet and Society, Hivos, International Center for Policy Advocacy, Internews, Creative Commons, Hungarian Civil Liberties Union, Transparency International, Open Technology Initiative, Tor Project, Berkman Center.

Application deadline: March 15, 2015 and Financial aid is available.  Kindly visit http://www.summer.ceu.hu/internet-2015 for more information.