GIJN Calls for Applications for the Global Shining Light Award


The Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) is now accepting applications for the Global Shining Light Award that honors investigative journalism in a developing or transitioning country.

The global investigative journalism community, GIJN is pleased to recognize and celebrate the courageous investigative journalists and their works, done under threat, duress, or in the direst of conditions.

According to the organizers, “Each year, dozens of journalists and media workers are killed – and hundreds more are attacked, imprisoned or threatened – just for doing their job. Many of these violations of free expression occur in developing or emerging countries, and quite often during military conflicts. There are a number of international awards recognizing such attacks on freedom of expression.”

“But there is another clear trend that emerges in analyses of global attacks on reporters and the media. More and more journalists are being killed, and media outlets attacked, because they are carrying out important efforts in investigative journalism – exposing uncomfortable truths, shining light on systematic corruption, and providing accountability in societies yearning for democracy and development. There are more journalists killed each year covering corruption and politics as are killed covering wars, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.”

The winner of the award will receive an honorary plaque, US$2,000 and a trip to the 2017 Global Investigative Journalism Conference to accept the award in front of hundreds of journalists from around the world.

To qualify for this award, the journalist, journalism team, or media outlet must provide independent, investigative reporting, which originated in and affected a developing or emerging democracy; the report must have been broadcast or published between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2016; the report must be investigative in nature that uncovered an issue, wrong-doing, or system of corruption which gravely affected the common good; and did so in the face of arrest, imprisonment, violence against them and their families, or threats and intimidation.

Application must be submitted on or before May 15, 2017, 11:59 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5)

Interested applicants should submit their entries online via