ARTICLE 19 Invites Applications for Internet of Rights Fellowship


ARTICLE 19, the London-based non-governmental freedom of expression organization, is receiving applications for its Internet of Rights Fellowship Programme. The fellowship aims to facilitate stronger considerations for human rights within Internet governance processes and to shape the human rights agenda for the Internet.

Through the fellowship, ARTICLE 19 seeks to effectively promote and protect key democratic values and increase the diversity of engagement within Internet governance forums, so that there is a greater pluralism of voices within these spaces that especially includes those that have been underrepresented until now.

 Over the course of this program, Fellows will be introduced to technical and policy discussions across the Internet governance landscape, and will be trained to meaningfully develop human rights considerations within these discussions. As a result, Fellows will be well-equipped to continue developing a robust approach to human rights within these technical communities beyond the life of the program.

The Fellowship itself is divided into two mutually-reinforcing courses: the Strands of Engagement, or the specialized tracks from which each Fellow will choose to focus the scope of their work over the year; and the Educational Program that will provide Fellows with a stronger foundation in Internet governance through workshops, webinars, skills-based trainings, and syllabi.

The application is open to all internet rights enthusiasts. The Program is looking for a diversity of perspectives and experiences. Eligibility for the Fellowship is not contingent on a minimum education or professional level, nor does it require applicants to already possess professional experience in human rights or the civil society sector. However, it is expected that Fellows will possess strong technical proficiency, and demonstrate a facility with some of the issues currently under discussion and debate within Internet governance forums such as ICANN, the IETF, the IEEE, and the ITU.

Fellows will be selected based on an assessment of the following three principles: technical competence; new entrants to the Internet governance landscape; and little experience attending physical forum conferences or meetings in the past as the Fellowship is designed to be a learning experience.

Fellows are expected to demonstrate a clear commitment to protect and promote human rights and Internet freedom which should be evident in the Fellows’ plans beyond the program.

Selected applicants will be invited to participate in a technical evaluation round, after which there will be an opportunity for interview. Candidates that are from Eurasia and the Global South are especially encouraged to apply. Non-male candidates are also welcomed as this is an equal opportunity fellowship.

Applicants are to note that this is not a salaried position; however, a generous stipend for all travel, attendance, and participation in Fellowship workshops and Internet governance forum meetings and conferences will be provided.

Selected Fellows must be committed to working with ARTICLE 19 for one year, from May 2017 to May 2018, with the possibility of extension to a maximum of two years. Apart from participation at forum meetings and conferences, Fellows will work remotely.

Interested applicants should submit the items listed below by email as one pdf document to

  1. Curriculum vitae.
  2. A two-page proposal. The first page should present the case for why the applicant should be selected as a Fellow; this includes an assessment of the applicant’s skills, qualifications, experiences, and thoughts on how they plan to use this fellowship experience in future endeavours. The second page should present which Strand of Engagement (see above) the applicant wishes to work on during the fellowship; this explanation should include why and, in doing so, explicate a particular policy or protocol that they would be interested in working on within the selected Strand and how they would elect to approach the issue over the course of the program. Applicants are advised to be careful to demonstrate technical understanding of these issues.
  • The contact information of two references.

 The deadline for submission of applications is March 17, 2017.