CIMA, ARTICLE 19 Present, Discuss Report on ‘Internet Governance and the Future of News’


The Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) and ARTICLE 19 will on March 23, 2017 present a report and hold a discussion on Internet governance and the future of news and make the case for greater media development engagement in Internet governance while offering strategic suggestions about how to initiate participation.

Due to the fast growing internet penetration, the internet is gradually becoming a primary platform for independent news and reporting. It is becoming an increasingly important tool for journalists as they gather information, engage sources and interact with readers. Citizens also make use of the internet to access information.

Although the future governance and development of the internet has a direct and swift impact on media development ironically, media development community has been mostly absent from global multi-stakeholder governance forums.

The findings of the report and the discussion on what types of assistance are needed to promote these goals would be presented by report authors from CIMA and Article 19.

Andreas Reventlow, a program developer with CIMA and Director Sana Saleem a co-founder of  Bolo Bhi, a not-for-profit geared towards advocacy, policy and research in the areas of gender rights, government transparency, internet access, digital security and privacy,  would also be joining them to give insight on the best way to implement suggested solutions in the field and bring digital issues to the forefront.

The program comes up at the National Endowment for Democracy, 1025 F Street, Northwest #800, Washington, DC 20004, United States.

Panelists expected at the event include Corinne Cath, Project Officer, ARTICLE 19; Andreas Reventlow, Programme Development and Digital Advisor, CIMA; Sana Saleem, Editor, Global Voices, and Co-Founder/Director, Bolo Bhi; and Niels ten Oever, Head of Digital, ARTICLE 19.

Daniel O’Maley, Associate Editor at CIMA will moderate the event

Interested participants are encouraged to register online at