The Alliance for Affordable Internet- Nigeria (A4AI- Nigeria) is inviting stakeholders to its coalition meeting taking place on Thursday, July 5, 2018, at Sheraton Hotel, Abuja. The meeting which is open to all stakeholders is committed to promoting policy and regulatory reforms to make affordable internet possible in Nigeria.
A4AI-Nigeria has been working to make affordable internet access possible by advocating for policy and regulatory reforms in the following areas:
- Infrastructure Sharing, Open Access and Spectrum
- Consumer Advocacy and Pricing Transparency (including Taxation, Universal Access and other Fiscal Issues).
The Agenda for the Stakeholders meeting is Digital Inclusion: Opportunities and Strategies for a New Nigeria Broadband Plan “and its focus is on stakeholders’ inputs for a new broadband plan that seeks full digital inclusion for all Nigerians.
In addition, the working group will have an opportunity to report on their activities—updates, recent wins, and upcoming plans. A detailed agenda will be available soon.
Limited financial support for travel and accommodation will be available to representatives of civil society organizations (CSOs) that are active members of the A4AI-Nigeria Coalition. As funds are limited, support will be awarded in a competitive process.
CSOs representatives who require support to travel to Abuja to attend the upcoming coalition meeting can apply by completing a form: http://goo.gl/forms/CoOlQSExnfS7qEym1.
Deadline to apply for travel support is Monday, June 25. Participants are advised to register by Friday, June 29.
The Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI)—the world’s broadest technology sector coalition—brings together prominent players from government, the private sector, and civil society to work to reduce the cost of a broadband connection and enable billions more to come online.
Interested persons can sign up to join the multi-stakeholder coalition and one or more of its working groups on the A4AI-Nigeria page.
For questions about A4AI, email Onica Makwakwa, A4AI Africa Regional Coordinator, at onica.makwakwa@webfoundation.org.