ACHPR Invites Media Representatives to Cover 30th Anniversary Celebrations

Pansy Tlakula, Chairperson, African Commission on Human and People's Rights
Pansy Tlakula, Chairperson, African Commission on Human and People’s Rights

The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) is inviting representatives of the media to cover the 30th Anniversary Celebrations of the Commission scheduled to take place in Banjul, The Gambia, on November 1 to 4, 2017.

The Commission is hosting the “30thAnniversary Celebrations: Celebrating 30 Years of the Establishment of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights’ during its 61st Ordinary Session, scheduled for November 1 to 15, 2017.

The event will bring together different human rights stakeholders, including representatives of States Parties to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights, African Union (AU) organs, Regional Economic Communities (RECs),  United Nations (UN) agencies, the European Commission (EC), the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), academics, students, religious leaders, traditional chiefs and the Media.

The overarching objective of the commemoration, according the ACHPR is to assess the significance and impact of the Commission’s work since its inception by raising awareness on its mandate, highlighting its achievements and challenges, assessing its prospects, and proposing how to move the human rights agenda forward

Other specific objectives are to:

a)assess the Commission’s work since its inception and evaluate the impact of its achievements;

b)build awareness and improve knowledge about the Commission’s mandate and work over the past 30 years;

c)contribute understanding on the achievements, challenges and perspectives of the Commission, vis-à-vis its role of implementing the rights contained in the Africa Charter;

d)provide a forum for constructive engagement between the Commission and various stakeholders working in the field of human rights;

e)Establish ways of building a more cohesive future for the Commission and reflect opportunities for the promotion and protection of human rights under the African Charter; and

f)showcase the Commission’s work through its various publications. 

More information about the event can be obtained by email: Mr. Etwell KARIKOGA at the following address: copying