AFP Foundation Accepting Applications for Fact-Checking Competition


Lori Gusdorf, CAE
Executive Vice President
AFP Foundation

Africa Check, a project of the AFP Foundation, is accepting applications for the African Fact-Checking Awards from print, broadcast and online journalists whose works have held public figures accountable.

Open to journalists and journalism students across the continent, the awards honor journalism that exposes misleading claims made by public figures and institutions.

To qualify, the entry must be an original piece of fact-checking journalism published or broadcast on between August 23, 2020 to July 31, 2021 by a media or independent fact-checking organisation based in Africa. The work may have been published in print or online, broadcast on the radio or television or published in a blog.

For the student category, the entry must be an original piece of fact-checking journalism first published or broadcast in a blog, student publication or by a media or independent fact-checking organisation based in Africa.

The award categories include Fact-Check of the Year by a Working Journalist; Fact-Check of the Year by a Student Journalist and one runner-up in each of the two categories above.

Applicants can only enter for the awards in one category per year, but can submit more than one report if they choose. Student applicants must have attended a journalism school at some point between August 23, 2020 and July 31, 2021 and not be more than 35 years.

The working journalist will receive US$3,000 prize while the runner-up will be awarded US$1,500. The student journalist winner will receive US$2,000 and the runner-up US$1,000.

To enter for the award, please fill this Google Form. Applications close on August 1, 2021.

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