Africa Foundation for Young Media Professionals Trains 27 Campus Journalists on Safety

Mr. Yinka Olaito, Executive Director of AFYMP

The Africa Foundation for Young Media Professionals (AFYMP) has organized a safety training for campus journalists under the aegis of the Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic Ijebu-Igbo Union of Campus Journalists and Freelancers to equip them with critical knowledge about professional safety ahead of their careers as professional journalists. A total of 27 campus journalists and freelance journalists participated in the training.

According to AFYMP, in order to ensure the future of journalism across Africa, early mid-career journalists and broadcasters need a lot of exposure in the knowledge of safety so they do not through youthful exuberance expose themselves to danger, whether as freelancers or as campus journalists. 

Delivering his welcome remarks at the opening session of the training workshop, Mr. Caleb Ijeoma, the Editor-in-Chief of Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic Union of Campus Journalists advised campus journalists to value their safety in the course of doing their work.

He said: “Note that being a campus journalist exposes you to certain dangers; knowing what to do will save you a lot of trouble.”

Also speaking at the opening session, Mr. Yinka Olaito, Executive Director of AFYMP, advised the campus Journalists to be aware of the odds against them as media professionals despite the fact that becoming a journalists may be very desirable.

According to him, “You cannot leave your safety to chances; it must be prepared for if you must escape when you are face-to-face with the reality on the field. I therefore advise you to take this session seriously”.

In the course of the training, Mr. Olaito explained in detail the difference between a campus journalist and a freelance journalist and talked extensively on what safety means and why the participants must prepare, anticipate and have a ready made series of actions to deploy when they face danger

Participants expressed appreciation for the training and suggested follow up sessions dealing with other relevant issues such as storytelling, pitching and how to attract opportunities with global media houses.

The public relations officer of the polytechnic thanked the AFYMP team for taking on the responsibility and burden of ensuring that the next generation of journalists and broadcasters, including those currently in the early stages of their career journalists, are adequately prepared for the challenges ahead.

The training was organized by AFYMP with support from MacArthur Foundation through the Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism (WSCIJ) under the Collaborative Media Engagement for Development, Inclusion and Accountability (CMEDIA)