AFYMP Launches ‘Immersion Project 2023’

Yinka Olaito
Executive Director of AFYMP

The Africa Foundation for Young Media Professionals (AFYMP) has launched its “Immersion Project 2023” targeting final-year media and mass communications students, final-year campus journalists or potential journalists who had finished a degree programme but now suddenly developed a passion for journalism.

Every industry has its trade secrets and salient factors that may define its operations and success. The Media industry in Nigeria and Africa is not different. There is a mental and intellectual preparation many newbies entering into the market must understand if succeeding well is important. Interestingly many Mass communications or media students are not aware of these.

Some of these challenges may not entirely be placed on the media students as the ‘gown sector’ itself is bedeviled with many ills which distract it from pushing for the best in its products. If truth must be told though, many intending media professionals are not putting in commensurate efforts which can justify they want to bring in the changes desired.

What has been noticed as a trend, across Africa, is that many students in other departments outside the mainstream media courses are determined to excel. Statistics had shown many who do not have media or communications degrees are excelling more in the industry after few years of undergraduate programme completion. Some of these exceptional had gone through the tutelage of campus Journalism, Pen or Writers’ clubs.

While we can all give excuse and pretend all is well, someone (individual or organization) must be pained enough to start a regeneration crusade with an intent to transform Nigeria and Africa media industry for the best.

The foregoing has led to the take-off of “ÁFMP Immersion Project 2023”.  According to the Executive Director of Africa Foundation for Young Media Professionals, “the Immersion Project according to its name is aimed at mental and intellectual challenge, deep mental introduction, involvement of participants into the dynamics of the media industry, culture, nuances.”  Each outreach will be practical, instruction-based, trend analysing and extensive exposure of participants to major environmental and professional factors as well as conditions that are native or pertinent to the media industry”, Yinka Olaito concluded.

Where there are no bottleneck or difficult unnecessary administrative processes, AFYMP with partner with media and mass communications departments, School of Media and Journalism as well as media training institutes to run this. But where these exist, AFYMP will go through Mass Communications Associations as well as Union of Campus Journalists or PenClubs to run the programme.

The project is “aimed at reaching about 1,500 final year media students/campus Journalists / or those who recently graduated from higher college with a new found drive for journalism across Nigeria or Africa if that opportunity exists in 2023”, said Yinka Olaito.

Mass communications and media students, campus journalists who meet the criteria can call or email ÁFMP office: Phone + 2348093160591 Email: Terms and conditions may apply

There are opportunities for corporate organisations and individuals to partner or support, sponsor this project. The organization’s project manager can be reached on +234 8093160591 or