The Seventh Tablet and App Summit (#TAS14) which features next generation of news apps will take place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on October 14 and 15, 2014.
The Summit will showcase recent mobile news case studies, show how to build winning news products and bring expert voices to the stage to answer questions on crucial issues.
Alex Breuer, the Guardian newspaper’s Creative Director and Tom Grinsted, Group Product Manager for Mobile and Devices, will explore and share their experiences on how the Guardian developed the next generation of its live app. The Guardians next generation app project, which involved a team of 25 engineers, journalists, designers and user-interface experts, will be the subject of an in-depth presentation at the summit
Others include Luke Miller, Experience Designer at Yahoo!, and Mario Garcia, CEO and Founder of Garcia Media, who will speak in a session on designing successful mobile news experiences. Alexandra Hardiman, Executive Director of Mobile Products for the New York Times, and Sofia Olsson Olsén, Head of Aftonbladet Plus, will speak in a session on increasing reader revenue on mobile. Freek Staps, Head of NRCQ, will speak in a session on news apps evolution in The Netherlands, among many others.
Full details of the Tablet & App Summit can be found at
The 7th Tablet and App Summit organised by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) will be held during the World Publishing Expo, the largest global trade exhibition for the news publishing and media industry. Full details of the Expo and related events can be found at