Applications Invited for Hurford Youth Fellows Program in Washington DC


The World Youth Movement for Democracy and the International Forum for Democratic Studies at the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) are inviting applications for the Hurford Youth Fellows Program in Washington, D.C.

Youth leaders from around the world will be considered for two positions throughout the year. For a period of four months, each fellow will have the opportunity to build his or her leadership and organizational skills and benefit from and contribute to the development of the World Youth Movement.

Central to each fellowship will be an assignment to develop online discussion platforms that would generate active engagement of World Youth Movement members.  Each fellow will organize and lead a series of online discussions and information sharing on a key democracy issue that the fellow, in consultation with the Secretariat and Leadership Board, would identify. Youth Movement Fellows will identify, compile, present, and creatively share discussion materials and results.

Youth leaders up to the age of 30 with a demonstrated interest in the advancement of democracy are welcome to apply.  In particular, those affiliated with democracy or civil society organizations are especially encouraged.

A monthly cost of living stipend and roundtrip airfare will be provided by the Program.

The full Hurford Youth Fellows Program Information Booklet and Application Guidelines are available here.