Applications Open for Daniel Pearl Fellowship Programme

Randy Smith, President, Alfred Frendly Press Partners
Randy Smith, President, Alfred Frendly Press Partners

Applications are open for Daniel Pearl Fellowship programme, that offers special fellowships to honor the life and work of the late journalist, Daniel Pearl.

Applications are open to journalists from the following countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, the Palestinian Territories, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE and Yemen.

The fellowship program begins in March with a two-week orientation seminar in Washington, DC designed to prepare the fellows – both personally and professionally – for the challenges of living and working in the United States. At the middle of the program, fellows and staff come together for a week to attend seminars focused on writing, editing, multimedia reporting and investigative reporting/Computer Assisted Reporting.

A final seminar in Washington reunites the fellows and allows them to compare and evaluate their experiences and discuss their impressions of the American media. Fellows return to their home countries in late August to begin sharing their knowledge and skills with colleagues, editors and publishers in their home newsrooms.

The Daniel Pearl Fellow spends a week at The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, where they work closely with Jewish colleagues. While in Los Angeles, they also participate in a panel discussion open to the public about their experiences in the United States and how America is perceived from abroad.

The fellowship covers all costs of program-related international and domestic U.S. travel, health insurance and provides a monthly stipend to cover basic living expenses. It is highly recommended that fellows bring additional money with them. While family members may visit, they cannot accompany the fellow for the duration of the fellowship

The fellowship will provide the fellow with experience in reporting, writing, editing, and editorial decision-making that will enhance future professional performance; expose the fellow to the technological changes that are occurring in the  industry;  enable the fellow to gain a practical understanding of the function and significance of the free press in American society;  transfer knowledge gained on the program to colleagues at home and foster continuing ties between free press institutions and journalists in the United States and their counterparts in other countries.

Interested applicants must be full-time employment as a journalist for the news or editorial departments of independent newspapers, magazines, wire services, or online publications of general public interest and with at least three years of full-time professional experience as a journalist

Entrants must be early to mid-career journalists and between 25 and 35 years old; show demonstrated personal commitment to a career in journalism; possess ability and desire to share what is learned on the fellowship with other journalists at home and get endorsement from the management of the home news organization.

Applicants must have excellent command of both written and spoken English as all activities are conducted in English.

The deadline for submission of applications is August 31, 2019.

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