Call Opens for Application for LSA Collegiate Fellowship

Anne Curzan
Dean, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA) at the University of Michigan has announced call for applications for its Collegiate Fellowship Programme in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. The Programme is an initiative aimed at supporting, recruiting, and retaining exceptional early career scholars who are committed to building a diverse intellectual community.

The purpose of the LSA Collegiate Fellows Programme is to support exceptional scholars in all three divisions of the College, who are committed to diversity in the academy and to prepare those scholars for tenure-track appointments in LSA at the University of Michigan.

The College seeks early career scholars whose teaching and mentoring, and/or research and scholarship, and/or service and engagement will contribute to diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education.

The programme is particularly interested in scholars with a demonstrated interest in bringing to their work the critical perspectives that come from nontraditional educational backgrounds and pathways, and/or scholarly understanding of the experiences of groups who are historically underrepresented or marginalized in higher education.

LSA Collegiate Fellows will be paid a starting salary of $60,000 plus benefits, as well as funds for conference and research expenses, for up to two years. During the fellowship, Fellows will be expected to devote their time to pursuing their independent research, as well as participate in pedagogical development activities such as the LSA Teaching Academy and classroom teaching/engagement. Based on the level of preparation, in some cases candidates will be hired through this program directly to tenure-track positions which include salary, research support, and benefits appropriate to assistant professors in the relevant department(s).

All Fellows are expected to be in residence during the academic year and to engage in departmental seminars and related activities. Fellows will also receive career advising from a departmental mentor during their fellowship. Additionally, LSA’s National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID) provides cohort- and programme-based activities designed to support Fellows’ scholarship and professional development, while building a community of scholars that has a commitment to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

The programme will only consider applications from candidates who wish to make their primary scholarly home in an LSA natural science or social science department for the 2022–2023 application cycle.

For applicants in the natural sciences, it is expected that doctoral degrees should be completed between January 1, 2018 and July 1, 2023; For applicants in the social sciences, doctoral degrees should be completed between January 1, 2020 and July 1, 2023 (August 31, 2023 for applicants in the Department of Economics).

Individuals awarded a PhD from U-M or currently holding a postdoctoral, faculty, or staff position at U-M are not eligible.

Predoctoral fellowships may be available in Economics and Political Science; doctoral degree must be completed by July 1, 2024. If approved, predoctoral fellows will receive a starting salary of $50,000 plus benefits.

A completed application form should be submitted the following:

  1. Curriculum vitae
  2. Research proposal that outlines applicant’s scholarly work and includes his/her research plan for the fellowship period (2-3 pages; references, citations, formulas, and graphics do not count toward the page limit).
  3. Diversity statement that includes applicant’s demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through scholarship/research, and/or teaching/mentoring, and/or service/engagement. There may be some overlap with an applicant’s research proposal and teaching statements (1-3 pages).
  4. Teaching statement that describes applicant’s teaching philosophy, which may incorporate experience from formal or informal teaching and mentoring opportunities (1-3 pages).
  5. Dissertation abstract (1 page).
  6. Writing sample (1-2 samples; 35 pages maximum per writing sample. Examples include published or unpublished research paper, journal article, dissertation chapter. References, citations, formulas, appendices, and graphics do not count toward the page limit).
  7. Three letters of reference (an applicant may choose to submit up to four). Applicants are not permitted to submit reference letters on their references’ behalf.

Applications are due by September 19, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. ET. Application deadline for candidates for the Departments of Chemistry, Economics, Mathematics, and Statistics only is November 1, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. ET.

For detailed information about the programme and to apply, please visit