Clean Energy Wire (CLEW) is offering three grants for the most promising international collaborative projects on clean energy, climate policy and the shift to a low-carbon economy.
Print and online features, investigative journalism and comparative reporting are eligible, but projects in other media/taking a multimedia approach will also be considered. Stories may be published in any language.
Application from teams of at least two journalists working across different media outlets in different countries will be eligible. Collaborating teams must adhere to internationally applicable professional journalistic standards and uphold principles of quality journalism and transparency in their reporting.
The organizer will welcome any types of story, including features, investigative journalism and comparative reporting. This grant is targeted primarily at print and online journalism but projects in other media/taking a multimedia approach will also be welcome.
The story must take a genuinely cross-border approach, i.e. involving actors or activities in more than one country. In addition, it must be aimed at publication by different media outlets in two or more countries by April 30, 2018. Applicants’ entries must demonstrate how a cross-border perspective adds value to their story.
Journalists working across different media outlets in different countries can apply for funding, the story may be published in any language but applications for the grant must be submitted in English.
Successful applicants will receive between EUR4,000 (US$4,751) and EUR6,000 (US$7,126).
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