COVID-19: NBC Issues Prevention Tips for Broadcasters

Dr. Armstrong Idachaba, Ag. DG, NBC
Dr. Armstrong Idachaba, Ag. DG, NBC

The National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) has issued 21 prevention tips for broadcasters to help them stay safe while discharging their duty in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The following are the tips from the regulatory body:

  • Handle all broadcasting equipment safely/hygienically
  • Disinfect Studio Surfaces frequently with alcohol-based wipes
  • Maintain a safe distance from colleagues and guests
  • Wear face mask always
  • Dispose any used face masks, properly
  • Disinfect Microphones after each interview.
  • Disinfect frequently used as equipment regularly
  • Wash hands with soap under running water regularly and thoroughly
  • Or use alcohol-based sanitizer il water is not available.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you
  • Sneeze or cough.
  • Dispose  used tissue immediately and properly in a covered bin
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Avoid contact with contacted individuals
  • If you travelled to a State with COVID719 outbreak in the last 14 days
  • and you have a lever, cough, or breathing difficulty, call NCDC.
  • Avoid Self Medication
  • Call NCDC on oanos7oooo1a if you notice any other COVID719 symptoms.
  • Eat meals that help boost your body immune system.
  • Enlighten the people on the dos and don’ts during this emergency period.
  • Verify information onCOVID-19 from NCDC in sensitizing the public.