CWPPF Condemns Attack on Thunder Blowers Newspaper, Demands Unconditional Release of Abducted Journalist


The Coalition for Whistleblower Protection and Press Freedom (CWPPF) has condemned the attack on Thunder Blowers newspaper in Gusau, Zamfara State, by suspected political thugs over  its reporting and analysis on the activities of the Zamfara State governor, Bello Matawalle, whom the media organisation alleges is the sponsor of the attack.

In the press statement issued on January 11, 2022, the group decried the rising pattern of attacks saying the evident constitutional breach raises worrying concerns for the protection of citizens’ rights, the ability of the state to ensure effective governance, and the statutory obligation of the news media to hold the government and state officials accountable as stipulated by the 1999 Constitution.

In the same vein, the group also condemned the arrest of Nelson Omonu who has whisked away to Katsina State and demanded his immediate and unconditional release.

CWPPF said: “This dangerous trend of constant attacks influenced by political powers threatens the health of the Nigerian news media and the resilience of our country’s democracy.”

The Coalition for Whistleblower Protection and Press Freedom (CWPPF) is a group of 17 media and civil society organisations committed to upholding democracy and good governance by protecting the ethos of whistleblowing, freedom of expression and press freedom.