Applications Open for Daniel Pearl Investigative Journalism Initiative Reporting Fellowship

Daniel Pearl
Daniel Pearl

Moment magazine is inviting applications from young journalists aged between 22 and 38 years  for the Daniel Pearl Investigative Journalism Initiative Reporting Fellowship. The Fellowship seeks to encourage reporters to write in-depth stories about deeply ingrained prejudices.

The fellow receives US$5,000 to complete a reporting project as well as mentoring from experienced journalists. The final story from the project is published in Moment and potentially with another media outlet partner.

Interested applicants must submit three stories from a print or digital publication, including at least one long-form story, a brief description of the story they want to investigate and how familiar they are with the issue, a recommendation from a professor or editor about why the applicant is the right person to report this story and phone numbers and e-mails for three additional references.

Fellowship will also require an applicant to provide a detailed reporting plan that lists the 20 or so sources he/she intends to interview and a timeline for travel, if needed.

Fellows are expected to begin work within three months of being accepted; final copy is due within six months. Preference is given to applicants familiar with the issues they propose to investigate.

Please email completed applications to

Applications close on March 30, 2019.