David Perlman Awards Seek Nominations for Excellence in Science Journalism

David Perlman

The David Perlman Awards for Excellence in Science Journalism-News is seeking nominations to honour journalists who produce exceptional news stories about earth and space sciences that are accessible and interesting to the general public.

The award is accompanied by a monetary prize of $5,000, engraved plaque, recognition in Eos, and an invitation to attend the AGU Fall Meeting, with travel expenses covered up to $1,000 and two complimentary tickets to the Honors Banquet.

The submitted news story or series should be published in English and intended for general audiences, and have a deadline of one week or less. The selection committee will consider accuracy, initiative, originality, and clarity, as well as the new information, misconceptions corrected, or accessibility of AGU sciences to general audiences in the news story or series.

The award is named after the former science editor of the San Francisco Chronicle and has been awarded since 2000.

To be eligible for the award, nominators or nominees of the David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism – News are not required to have AGU membership. It is possible for a person or group to be nominated or to self-nominate for both the Perlman and Sullivan awards in the same year, but no individual or group can win both awards in the same year.

Self-nominations are allowed. Nominees must be journalists working in any medium, except books, and must be the author of the submitted report. If the report is a collaborative effort, the individuals involved must determine who the nominee(s) are, up to a maximum of four people, including contributors to the audio and visual aspects of the entry.

The nominee must be employed in one of the following areas: print or electronic publication, broadcast or cable station, broadcast network, or freelance journalism. Each nominee is only permitted to submit one entry for the award in a given year. Nominees who have received the Perlman Award in the past two award cycles are not eligible to enter for the current cycle (i.e. the 2020 and 2021 Perlman Award recipients cannot enter for the 2022 award).

Nominations are open until April 12th, 2023, and can be submitted by anyone, including self-nominations.

For more information: https://www.agu.org/Honor-and-Recognize/Honors/Union-Awards/David-Perlman-Award.