Deutsche Welle Invites Application for Data Journalism Fellowship

Paul Zimmer, Head Project Communications, DW
Paul Zimmer, Head Project Communications, DW

Deutsche Welle  (DW) Akademie in partnership with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, is inviting applications for its Data Journalism Fellowship from non-Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)  countries to foster the development of data-driven reporting.

The 12-month fellowship programme will combine tailored trainings and networking opportunities; offer selected fellows a unique and exclusive opportunity to learn, exchange ideas and connect with their counterparts around the world to become advocates of data journalism in their own countries.

Data journalism has great potential to drive transparency and fuel greater accountability and good governance as it is considered to be an important prerequisite for people to make informed decisions and pursue an open social debate. Visualizing digital sources allows for different perception and new perspectives, making the technology a great modern asset to traditional journalism.

The fellowship demonstrates DW Akademie’s long-standing commitment to supporting quality journalism around the world.

The fellowship will bring together 15 of the brightest early-career data journalists. Each  fellow receives up to €2,000 to support their personal data-driven projects and will be invited to two training sessions (in May 2019 and January 2020) as well as two major conferences (the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Hamburg and the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, Italy).

Receipt of applications for the programme closes on February 8, 2019.

For further information and to apply, p;ease visit :