Entries Invited for Andrei Stenin International Photo Contest


flower_standalone_engYoung photojournalists aged between 18 and 33 years old from around the world are invited to submit entries for the 2020 Andrei Stenin International Photo Contest which is targeted at young photojournalists

It is Russia’s only platform for discovering new photojournalists and for allowing them to make a name for themselves on the world photojournalism stage.

The annual submission period started on December 22, 2019. The date marks the birthday of Rossiya Segodnya photojournalist Andrei Stenin, who died while on assignment and in whose honour the contest is named.

The 2020 photo contest will feature five categories for which young photographers can vie for awards. These include;

  1. Top News which captures major political and social events; reports from war zones and places struck by natural disasters; decisive moments in people’s lives.
  2. This category involves entries, which captured moments in sport: victories of athletes and dramatic losses; daily sports training; the beauty of sports competitions.
  3. My Planet. This category involves entries reflecting an everyday life kaleidoscope in its timeless beauty and harmony, uniting scenes from everyday life; the life of big cities and small towns; nature pictures; ethnographic and religious holidays.
  4. A Hero of Our Time. This category involves entries such as individual or group portraits of people. The determining factor in this category is the author’s ability to reveal the inner world of his characters, express their mental qualities and character through the uniqueness of their appearance and looks as a whole.

 In 2019 the contest set a new record – around 6,000 entries from 80 countries across five continents were submitted. The winning entries were exhibited around the world.

In 2016 the exhibitions were run in Moscow, Istanbul, Cape Town, Cairo, Berlin, Shanghai, Rome, etc.

Entries can contain a single photograph or series of no more than 12 photographs. Minor cropping, or balance (white balance) or density (brightness, contrast) correction is acceptable. Framed images, collages, photos that have been significantly photoshopped, with parts of the image edited, deleted or replaced with a different image, will not be accepted.

Photos will be uploaded in the JPG format. The acceptable compression will not exceed 10. The image is to be no less than 2,200 pixels and no more than 5,700 pixels by its longer side.

The file name must contain the serial number of the photograph, name and last name of the author, title and year it was shot, separated by underscores, for example, 01_Smith_James_The_Spring_2011. The name of the file must be given in Latin script. The file size must not exceed 20 Mb and must also contain all the EXIF data.

Entries will be uploaded and stored by participants on their personal pages at www.stenincontest.com. Photos can be added or replaced until the participant submits the entry after which photos can no longer be added or replaced.

Photographs must have been taken after January 1, 2019. In exceptional cases, a series of photographs started in previous years are accepted. In such a case, the last photograph of the series must have been taken in 2019 or 2020.

Entries close on February 29, 2020.

The winner’s list and awards ceremony will come up in September 2020 in Russia.

Cash awards of 125,000, 100,000 and 75,000 rubles will be given to the first, second and third places in each category. The winner of the highest Stenin competition award – the Grand Prix – will receive 700,000 rubles. Apart from the financial prize, the contest also gives young photojournalists the opportunity to show their work at Russian and international venues – a touring exhibit of the winners has become an integral part of the project and has been shown in dozens of cities in Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East.

To enter for the contest, please register online at https://stenincontest.com/register/.