Entries Open for the Walter Sullivan Award for Excellence in Science Journalism

Lisa Graumlich
AGU President

Entries are now open for the Walter Sullivan Award for Excellence in Science Journalism, an annual award that recognizes the outstanding efforts of individual journalists or groups of journalists who have produced feature stories or series in any medium (except books) that make earth and space sciences accessible and engaging to non-scientific audiences.

The award is named after Walter Sullivan, a renowned science writer for The New York Times and the first recipient of the award in 1989.

Since 2000, the award has been redefined to focus specifically on science feature writing. The recipient(s) of the award receive a $5,000 monetary prize, an engraved plaque, recognition in Eos, and recognition at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting. In addition, travel expenses of up to $1,000 are covered for winners to attend the AGU Fall Meeting, and two complimentary tickets are provided for each winner to attend the Honors Banquet at the meeting.

To be eligible for the award, candidates must be journalists working in any medium (except books) and must have authored the submitted report. This can include journalists employed in areas of print or electronic publication, broadcast or cable station, or a broadcast network, as well as freelance journalists. Collaborative efforts are also accepted, but those involved must determine who the nominee(s) are (up to four people), including contributors to the audio and visual aspects of the entry.

It’s worth noting that individuals or groups may be nominated or self-nominate for both the Perlman and Sullivan awards in the same year, but no one is allowed to win both awards in the same year. Self-nominations are also accepted.

Nominations should be submitted through the online submission system.

The deadline for the submission of entries is 12 April 2023.

For detailed information concerning the award, its guideline, and submission, please visit https://www.agu.org/Honor-and-Recognize/Honors/Union-Awards/Walter-Sullivan-Award