The Electronic Governance with Emerging Technologies Conference (EGETC) 2022 is scheduled to hold in Tampico, Mexico, from September 12 to 14, 2022. The organizers are inviting papers from academics, scholars, and industry practitioners for the event.
The hybrid event is aimed at providing a forum for academics, scholars, and practitioners from academia and industry to share and exchange the recent developments in the domain of eGovernment and governance of digital organizations as well as shed light on the emerging research trends and their applications.
With the current wave of digital transformation in government, AI can be used to deliver services closer to users’ needs and preferences and thus have the potential to improve them.
Keynote Speakers at the Conference will include Marijn Janssen, Full Professor in ICT & Governance at TU Delft, Netherlands; B K Murthy, CEO, Innovation and Technology Foundation, IIT Bhilai, India and Luis Martinez, Full Professor, University of Jaén, Jaén Spain.
Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of to Government Information Quarterly (GIQ) (Elsevier SSCI Indexed, Q1, Cite Score: 11.6, Impact Factor: 7.279) and Technological Forecasting and Social Change, An International Journal.
All proposals should be submitted through Easychair at
Accepted papers will be published in the Springer CCIS series. Registration is free for all accepted papers.
Topics of interest include, but not limited to: Intelligent systems for crisis management; Distributed ledgers and Blockchains: governance, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO); Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data management for Public Sector; Privacy, security and legal Informatics – AI and Law; Open Data, Open Government Data: transparency, trust, public participation, co-creation and Open Innovation; Digital transformation and Society 5.0; and Linked Data, Linked Open Data (LOD)
Other topics include: Smart cities; Semantic E-government applications; Public Sector Knowledge Representation; Knowledge Graphs; Information Retrieval; Decision Support Systems (DSS) in Digital Governance; Deep Learning; and Natural Language Processing (NLP), among others.
EGETC-2022 is an international gathering to bring researchers and governments into the ultimate developments and applications suitable for governments using Artificial Intelligence techniques, IoT, Big Data, and other emerging technologies.