GEN Summit 2017 Holds in Vienna


The Global Editors Network (GEN) will bring together opinion leaders in the media industry to discuss the latest trends shaping newsrooms at a summit in Vienna, Austria, from June 21 to 23, 2017. The theme for this year’s Summit is “From Post-Truth to Virtual Reality: Navigating Media’s Future”.

Beginning 2011, the Global Editors Network has brought together opinion leaders in the media industry to discuss the latest trends shaping newsrooms. The event gathered 200 participants for the first edition, a number which has substantially grown to more than 750 at its last edition in 2016.

GEN Summits are also the time when participants will know the winners of the Data Journalism Awards, Startups for News and Editors Lab Final, which are GEN’s much acclaimed programmes running throughout the year.

According to the organizers “participants trust us for the quality of our speakers and sessions, the incredible networking experience they will have and the wide selection of relevant digital suppliers who are providing tools to newsrooms.”

Amy Webb, one of invited keynote speakers said “the future of news can be made much more efficient and probably also much more seamless through the use of automated technologies. That does not necessarily mean the end of human reporters. But it does mean augmenting the abilities of human journalists.”

“And that is nothing but exciting for newsroom leaders and for editors-in-chief. What it essentially means is that journalists will have superpowers. Using what I call a next generation of computer assisted reporting — learning from the crowd by observing their data to using algorithms to collect, customize, produce and distribute content — all of these scenarios are near-future realities, and they’re going to be great for newsrooms.”

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