GFMD Calls for More Inclusion of News Media, Journalists in Internet Governance


Screen-Shot-2018-01-15-at-20.08.59-e1526294264810The Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) has called on the global Internet governance community “to recognise the need for broader inclusion of journalists and the news media community within the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and wider Internet governance ecosystem” while equally urging journalism and media organisations to be more engaged in Internet governance activities.

GFMD made the call following its participation in the 13th global IGF, which took place from November 12 to 14, 2018 in Paris, France.

Mira Milosevic, GFMD Executive Director, said: “We recognise that the journalism support and media development community is in a prime position to add its expertise and insight to Internet governance discussions. Connecting these two communities is critical for making sure that quality journalism and news media issues are considered in the Internet governance debates and processes and ultimately secure a viable space in the digital marketplace of ideas.”

The organisation noted that journalists’ organisations, news media, journalism support, and media development organisations are consistently missing from these important conversations despite their increasing relevance despite that there is hardly an aspect of journalism and the news media sector that is not touched by Internet policy.

The Forum stated that Internet and digital actors in the age of digital convergence are directly shaping the future of journalism and news media, and the issues discussed ranging from how digital markets are governed and content curated and moderated, to the way artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting media viability, all require journalism and media community voices.

GFMD said it and its members and partners recognise that there are a number of key conversations and areas for potential collaboration across stakeholder groups that they should be part of.

The organisation submits that greater inclusion of journalism organisations, news media, and journalism support and media development organisations in Internet governance spaces would also facilitate greater multi-stakeholder collaboration to address gaps in knowledge and reporting on issues relevant for journalism and news media.