The Global Editors Network (GEN) is now accepting application for the 2017 edition of its Data Journalism Awards (DJAs) to reward outstanding work in data journalism worldwide.
The competition seeks to celebrate examples of data-driven investigations, data-driven applications, and storytelling projects that use data visualisation to cover topics relevant to the general public and aiming at having an impact on society.
Works that are the result of collaboration between organisations may also be submitted. Works produced by staffers or freelancers collaborating with government agencies, business, or trade organisations with a stake (financial or of other nature) in the issue at hand are not eligible. In other words, the awards are not given to business data visualisations or projects produced for branding purposes.
The Data Journalism Awards 2017 will be awarding a $1,801 prize to each winner of the ten categories: Data visualisation of the year; Investigation of the year; News data app of the year; Data journalism website of the year; Chartbeat award for the best use of data in a breaking news story, within first 36 hours; Open data award; Best individual portfolio; Public choice; Small Newsrooms; and Student and young data journalist of the year
The competition is supported by Google News Lab and the Knight Foundation, in partnership with Chartbeat. Applications can be submitted by media companies, non-profit organisations, and freelancers or individuals working on online, radio, audio, broadcast, print, or a combination of platforms.
The competition is receiving 3 new members of jury for 2017: Yolanda Ma from Data Journalism China, Stephanie Sy from Thinking Machines Data Science and Esra Dogramaci from Deutsche Welle
The winners will be announced at The Data Journalism 2017 Ceremony, which will take place at the Hofburg Imperial Palace in Vienna during the sixth annual GEN Summit coming up June 2017.
For more information, please visit: