Global FOI Sestercentennial Symposium Calls For Papers


In celebration of  the 250th anniversary of the world’s first Freedom of Information law which was passed in 1766 and covered both Sweden and Finland at the time, a sestercentennial symposium is being organised by the Southwestern Law School, Los Angeles, California and set to hold in November 2016.

As part of the celebration, the Journal of International Media and Entertainment Law is calling for the submission of papers under the theme: “Freedom of Information Laws on the Global Stage: Past, Present and Future”.

The Journal of International Media and Entertainment Law is a semi-annual publication of the Forums on Communications Law and the Entertainment and Sports Industries of the American Bar Association and the Donald E. Biederman Entertainment and Media Law Institute of Southwestern Law School.  The Journal examines the impact of the Internet and other technologies, the often conflicting laws affecting media and entertainment issues, and the legal ramifications of widely divergent cultural views of privacy, defamation, intellectual property, and government regulation.

Criteria for Submission of Papers

Papers should have an international or comparative focus that engages historical, contemporary or emerging issues relating to freedom of information laws. All papers submitted should be fully referred by a minimum of two specialized referees. Before final acceptance, all referee comments will be considered.

Accepted papers will be peer reviewed and distributed during the conference to all attendees. Authors will be given the opportunity to briefly present their papers at the conference. Accepted papers will also be published in the Journal of International Media and Entertainment Law or the Southwestern Journal of International Law.

Authors whose papers are accepted will be provided with round-trip travel to Los Angeles, California, hotel accommodation, and complimentary conference registration.

  • Deadline to submit an abstract is April 4, 2016.
  • Deadline to submit a completed paper is September 4, 2016.

For more information, Contact Professor Michael Epstein by phone: (213) 738-6774 or email: