Government Agency Bans Airing of Documentary on Poverty


The National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB) has banned the exhibition, distribution and airing of a 30-minute documentary film entitled ‘Fueling Poverty’ saying its contents “are highly provocative and likely to incite or encourage public disorder and undermine national security.”

The NFVCB is the agency which vets, classifies, and approves films and videos meant for distribution and exhibition in Nigeria

Fueling Poverty’ documents the pervasive poverty in Nigeria and advocates against corruption and greed.  It was produced by young filmmaker, Mr. Ishaya Bako, in partnership with the Open Society for West Africa (OSIWA), one of the Open Society Foundations. The documentary was released late in 2012.

After completing the documentary, Mr. Bako submitted a copy to the NFVCB for classification and approval.

However, through a letter dated 8 April 2013 signed by Mr. Effiong Inwang, its Head of Legal Services, the NFVCB banned the film from being aired and warned Mr. Bako not to violate the order against is distribution or exhibition, adding that “all relevant national security agencies are on the alert.”

The agency informed Mr. Bako that a copy of the letter to him has been sent to the Director General of Nigeria’s intelligence agency, the State Security Services (SSS) and the Inspector General of Police, for their information.

Mr. Bako said the film was “not just talking about scam but the culture and greed in Nigeria,” adding it was a timely and interesting journey, because the film covers “real issues, on everyday life.”

The National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB) has banned the exhibition, distribution and airing of a 30-minute documentary film entitled ‘Fueling Poverty’ saying its contents “are highly provocative and likely to incite or encourage public disorder and undermine national security.”

The NFVCB is the agency which vets, classifies, and approves films and videos meant for distribution and exhibition in Nigeria

Fueling Poverty’ documents the pervasive poverty in Nigeria and advocates against corruption and greed.  It was produced by young filmmaker, Mr. Ishaya Bako, in partnership with the Open Society for West Africa (OSIWA), one of the Open Society Foundations. The documentary was released late in 2012.

After completing the documentary, Mr. Bako submitted a copy to the NFVCB for classification and approval.

However, through a letter dated 8 April 2013 signed by Mr. Effiong Inwang, its Head of Legal Services, the NFVCB banned the film from being aired and warned Mr. Bako not to violate the order against is distribution or exhibition, adding that “all relevant national security agencies are on the alert.”

The agency informed Mr. Bako that a copy of the letter to him has been sent to the Director General of Nigeria’s intelligence agency, the State Security Services (SSS) and the Inspector General of Police, for their information.

Mr. Bako said the film was “not just talking about scam but the culture and greed in Nigeria,” adding it was a timely and interesting journey, because the film covers “real issues, on everyday life.”