ICIC Launches Consultation with ATI Stakeholders for Inputs on its Future

Elizabeth Denham, Information Commissioner, ICIC
Elizabeth Denham, Information Commissioner, ICIC

The Governance Working Group (GWG) of the International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC) has launched a consultation with the global access to information community to seek inputs from interested stakeholders, including civil society organisations, academics, information rights advocates and all other organisations working to uphold access to information rights, on the future of the ICIC.

ICIC is carrying out this consultation through an online survey available at https://wh.snapsurveys.com/s.asp?k=153562955679.

A crucial part of the project involves consulting with the wider access to information (ATI) community to better understand their interests and priorities and to seek their suggestions for the 2019 conference. The GWG therefore invites all interested civil society organisations, academics, information rights advocates and all other organisations working to uphold access to information rights to participate in this consultation survey which launched on September 7, 2018.

The GWG is keen at ensuring that all interested ATI stakeholders are aware of the survey and have the opportunity to contribute to the planning and organisation of the ICIC going forward. To ensure this survey has global coverage and reaches the widest possible audience, the GWG encourages stakeholders promote the consultation among their networks.

The ICIC says it is engaging on an exciting new path and the participation of stakeholders in this consultation offers a rare opportunity to have their say in how the global network of oversight authorities can assist their organisations in fulfilling their mission and ambitions. It is also conducting a similar consultation with the information commissioner and ombudsperson community.

The ICIC, which brings together authorities and organisations working in the field of access to information (ATI) to encourage the exchange of knowledge and experience and to foster a global public awareness of this important issue, has been holding regularly since 2003.

A group of interested members comprising of the UK Information Commissioner’s Office and information commissioners from Argentina, Canada, India, Mexico, Serbia, and South Africa formed a working group to lead a project to develop a permanent structure for the ICIC.

The GWG is working on a number of short term and long term initiatives to support the future structure of the conference and the planning of the next International Conference scheduled to hold in South Africa in March 2019. At the end of the 2017 edition of the ICIC, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office offered to provide the ICIC Secretariat for three years and supports the GWG in planning and implementing their initiatives.