Fact-Checking Network Launches Mentorship Programme, Seeks Entries

Neil Brown
President of Poynter

The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at the Poynter Institute, in partnership with Meta, has launched a global mentorship programme that will leverage the expertise of member organizations in the peer-to-peer exchange of information.

The programme will match signatories to the IFCN with demonstrated expertise in specific topics with other IFCN signatory organizations with an interest in enhancing skill sets in those areas.

The mentorship programme is accepting entries from fact-checking organizations to participate in a mentorship program that will distribute US$450,000 in grant support to mentors and mentees.

These programmes will later be scaled to be offered to the wider IFCN community; deliverables for scaled training can include webinars, online courses, case studies, etc.

Mentorship topics may include detecting misinformation on social media, communicating fact checks with innovative formats, industry collaboration, media literacy, training and operations, and health and science misinformation.

Selected mentors will receive US$50,000 and selected mentees will receive US$5,000 upon completion of the training.

Submission of entries closes on December 3, 2021.

For more information, about the programme, please visit: https://www.poynter.org/global-fact-checking-mentorship-program/ and to apply, go to https://ifcn.submittable.com/submit.