ILO Launches Media Competition on Labour Migration

Guy Ryder, Director-General, ILO
Guy Ryder, Director-General, ILO

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is accepting entries for its 2017 Global Media Competition to recognize and reward exemplary media coverage on labour migration.

ILO said such reporting is all the more significant as media often promotes a toxic public narrative based on nationality, national origin, gender and migratory status misperceptions, reinforcing prejudice, intolerance and stigmatization against migrant workers and their families.

Applicants are encouraged to highlight the positive contribution of migrant workers to countries of origin, transit, and destination as well as the key aspects such as their fair recruitment, while not overlooking the negative aspects including the hard reality of exploitation and violation of human and labour rights.

Interested journalists are encouraged to submit a maximum of two entries, one for each of the following two categories: Written articles (online or print articles) and Media Production (photo journalism, audio, video)

Entry articles which should not exceed 8000 words and videos/multimedia which should not be longer than 10 minutes must have been published or broadcast between January 1, 2016 and October 27, 2017 to qualify.

Entries for the competition should address one of two thematic areas.

One of the thematic areas is labour migration aspects which may explore any of the following subjects: migrant workers’ contribution to the social and economic development of countries of origin and destination, the protection of their labour rights, the recognition of their skills, their labour market integration, their social protection, migrant workers in an irregular situation, their working conditions (particularly their wages, working time and occupational safety and health, migrant workers in the informal economy, their trade union rights, forced labour, child labour, and trafficking situations

The second thematic area is fair recruitment of migrant workers guided by the general principles and operational guidelines on fair recruitment.

A total of four winners will receive $1,000 USD each with winning entries featured on the ILO website and widely promoted as an example of good journalism.

For more information please visit–en/index.htm