The International Academy for Journalism (Intajour) is seeking applications from journalists for its 2013 fellowship year. Intajour announced on March 5, 2013 that the application process for the third year of its fellowship programme “Journalism in the Digital World” has commenced.
Journalists from countries where press freedom is restricted can now apply online for the 10-month training programme initiated and funded by the international media company Bertelsmann.

Intajour strongly believes that freedom of the press requires professionally trained journalists.
Intajour Director, Werner Eggert said “Our previous years were composed of very talented journalists who were determined to make a difference in their home countries. We look forward to many applications from journalists who share the same passion and professionalism.”
The “Journalism in the Digital World” training programme is aimed at journalists from countries where press freedom is restricted or where similar training programmes are not available. However, participation in the programme is neither restricted to these countries but open to all journalist worldwide. The Fellowship is meant to build a global network of highly skilled journalists who spearhead press freedom in their home countries and beyond.
By participating in this programme, Fellows will acquire skills in: Investigative research, Journalistic forms of presentation on the internet, Technical production of web content, Filming and editing web videos, Internet security, Journalism and ethics, freedom and responsibility in the media, and Internet politics.
The Fellowship starts on August 31, 2013. The program consists of attendance phases in Hamburg, Cologne and Berlin, as well as two intensive e-learning phases.
Only online applications are accepted, between March and May 3, 2013.
Fellows will receive a stipend from Intajour to cover course fees and international travel costs. During the attendance phases, Fellows will be accommodated at Intajour’s expense in guesthouses or hotels and receive adequate meal allowance.
Interested journalists are advised to watch the Intajour videos on their website ( or visit the Intajour website,, for more information.