ITU CWG- Internet Holds Open Consultation on Internet Policy Issues

Hamadoun Touré, Secretary General, International Telecommunication Union
Hamadoun Touré, Secretary General, International Telecommunication Union

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Council Working Group on International Internet-related Public Policy Issues (CWG-Internet) is inviting stakeholders to an open (online and physical) consultation on Internet issues that have public policy implications.

On the instructions of Council Resolution 1344 (Mod. 2015), the 2017 Session of ITU Council decided on 25 May 2017, upon request of the  ITU CWG-Internet to hold an open consultation (online and physical) on the topic: “Bridging the Digital Gender Divide”.

Stakeholders are encouraged to submit contributions that address the following questions:

  1. What approaches and examples of good practices are available to increase Internet access and digital literacy of women and girls, including in decision-making processes on Internet public policy?
  2. What approaches and examples of good practices are available to promote the access and use of ICTs by SMEs in developing and least-developed countries, particularly those owned/managed by women, in order to achieve greater participation in the digital economy?
  3. Which are the available sources and mechanisms for measuring women’s participation in the digital economy with focus on SME’s and micro-enterprises?
  4. What measures/policies could be envisioned in order to foster the role of women as entrepreneurs and managers of SMEs, specifically in developing and least-developed countries?
  5. What are the gaps in addressing these challenges? How can they be addressed and what is the role of governments?

The online open consultation is to hold from October 2017 to January 2018 with deadline for submission of contributions being December 23, 2017. The online open consultation will be closely followed by the physical open consultation meeting which will take place on January 22, 2018 at the ITU Headquarters in Geneva Switzerland. The meeting will be conducted only in English.

Discussions during the physical consultation meeting will be based on the responses received during the online consultation process, which will be consolidated in a single document, to be published on the ITU Website two weeks prior to the meeting.

At the physical meeting, respondents to the online consultation will have the opportunity to present their submitted views and to have a fruitful discussion with the other participants, including Members of the CWG-Internet.

For those not in the position to participate on site, remote participation is also available upon request during the registration process.