JIMEL Calls for Papers on Fake News, Weaponized Defamation

Michael Epstein, Supervising Editor, JIMEL
Michael Epstein, Supervising Editor, JIMEL

The Journal of International Media & Entertainment Law (JIMEL), in association with the Southwestern Law Review, and Southwestern International Law Journal is now accepting papers on Fake News and Weaponized Defamation.

The intended Papers are expected to have an international or comparative focus that engage historical, contemporary or emerging issues relating to fake news or weaponized defamation. All papers submitted will be fully refereed by a minimum of two specialized referees. Before final acceptance, all referee comments must be considered.

Successful papers will be peer reviewed and distributed during the conference to all attendees. The authors will be given an opportunity to briefly present their papers at the conference. Successful papers will be published in the Journal of International Media and Entertainment Law, the Southwestern Law Review, or the Southwestern Journal of International Law.

Authors whose papers are accepted for publication will be provided with round-trip domestic or international travel to Los Angeles, California, hotel accommodations, and complimentary conference registration.

The Journal of International Media & Entertainment Law is a faculty-edited journal published by the Donald E. Biederman Entertainment and Media Law Institute at Southwestern Law School, in cooperation with the American Bar Association’s Forum on Communications Law, and the ABA’s Forum on the Entertainment and Sports Industries.

The Southwestern Law Review and the Southwestern Journal of International Law are honors publications edited by students at Southwestern Law School.

Deadline to submit an abstract is on September 25, 2017 and deadline to submit a completed paper: is on January 5, 2018.

For more information, click: http://www.swlaw.edu/curriculum/honors-programs/law-review-journals/journal-international-media-entertainment-law/global