John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships Calls for Applications


The John S. Knight (JSK) Journalism Fellowships at Stanford University in the United States is calling for applications from interested individuals who are passionate about finding ways to address challenges facing journalism and journalists.

The Fellowship which commences in September 2015 and will run for 10 months is focused on journalistic innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership. It provides for twenty outstanding individuals from around the world the resources to pursue and test their ideas for improving the quality of news and information reaching the public.

Interested applicants will need to identify a challenge they want to pursue during the Fellowship in their application since those who are selected for a fellowship spend a significant portion of their time at Stanford and Silicon Valley, working on that challenge.

According to the organizers, “We select fellows who identify and articulate a specific journalism challenge they want to explore in hopes of identifying potential solutions they will continue to work on beyond their time with us. We expect them to arrive in the program with more questions than answers and we seek people who are eager to experiment and to change course based on what they learn along the way.”

All Fellows will receive a $65,000 stipend to be paid in 10 monthly installments from September through June while their tuition will be paid directly by JSK to Stanford for each Fellow. An additional $4,000 will be provided for books and equipment supplements and successful Fellows will receive the following for Housing:

  • $3,000 to single fellows, married fellows and those with domestic partners who are not bringing children.
  • $10,000 for fellows with one child
  • $13,000 for fellows with two or more children

To be eligible to apply for the Fellowship, international applicants should ideally have at least five years of full-time professional experience though special considerations are given to less experienced applicants with outstanding achievements. No college degree is required.

JSK considers applicants who fall into one or more of these categories:

  • Journalists employed by a news organization or journalism freelancers
  • Journalism entrepreneurs and innovators
  • Journalism business and management executives

JSK definitions of the above categories are:

  • Journalists – Those who write or edit news, commentary, or editorials; critics and reviewers, photojournalists, video journalists, designers, multimedia journalists, editorial cartoonists and supervising editors, anchors, and producers. They may be working for newspapers, wire services, television or radio news departments, web sites, magazines that cover news, commentary or public affairs, news-related startups, or as freelance or independent journalists.
  • Journalism entrepreneurs and innovators – Those whose work or ideas have the potential for great journalistic impact. This group includes consultants.
  • Journalism business and management executives – Those whose work influences editorial quality, such as publishers, general managers, and station managers. It does not accept applications from people working in public information or public relations jobs, for trade and house newsletters or magazines, for government agencies, or in teaching jobs.

All applications are completed online and deadline for submission is December 1, 2014  For further information kindly click on    or email